USACE is excited to announce the latest release of the contract requirements which now integrate BIM, CIM, GIS, and CAD requirements into one.
The new term "Advanced Modeling" is the umbrella term that refers all or any of BIM, CIM, GIS, and CAD technologies. USACE continues to invest in Advanced Modeling and is working harder than ever to ensure that the benefits of virtual planning, design, construction, and operations are being realized holistically.
In this release, the big changes include:
- Changed from "Attachment F" format to integrate with the standard 3-part Unified Facilities Guide Specifications.
- Changed the "BIM PxP Template" to an "Advanced Modeling PxP Template" to integrate the Advanced Modeling requirements.
- Incorporation of standard UFGS submittals, submittal designations, and submittal procedures to address significant variability in how and when content was delivered.
- Inclusion of requirement for the USACE Advanced Modeling Submittal Review Checklist and Guide. Version 2 of the Checklist now incorporates checks for compliance with the A/E/C CAD and Graphics Standards.
- Incorporation of GIS requirements and deliverables.
- Use of the term Civil Information Modeling (CIM) to refer to tools such as Autodesk Civil3D and Bentley Systems InRoads.
- Addition of Government Furnished Material (GFM) conditions for cases where GFM must be provided.
- Addition of reference to NCS v6 "BIM Implementation" to move towards more industry standard BIM quality requirements.
- Provide option to omit CAD export from BIM if not a customer desired option.
- Differentiation of requirements for CAD content produced by BIM versus content produced in CAD natively.
- Establishment of unified Coordinate System requirements.
For more information on the USACE Advanced Modeling Contract Language, the PxP and the M3 documents, please contact Steve Hutsell or Van Woods.
For more information on the CHX, CHX Guide and the PxP CHX documents, please contact Justin Jameson or Steve Hutsell.
If prior versions are needed, please see the Document Center